Our older tour of the Museum
26th Field Regiment - RCA
Brandon Armoury
Manitoba Dragoons

Victoria Avenue
Brandon, Manitoba


Ross Neale: Your Tour Guide
Welcome to our military museum
My name is Ross Neale and I'll be your tour guide for today's visit...
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask:
Please send your QUESTIONS and COMMENTS here
Museum Entrance
As you can imagine we require 
security on the museum artifacts.
This is the only entrance.
The museum volunteers do their part in keeping alive
the memory of the people who paid with their lives
that we may live in peace.
Guest Book
The guest book that we use was donated in 1979 by the
Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba,
the Honourable Mr. McKeag.
Please SIGN HERE ~~ Your Comments Are Welcome
Library ~ Archive
Our library has several thousand books,
all of historical significance.
There are no books of fiction.
Many of the books 
may be borrowed to read,
for a one-month period.
Archives Cabinet
The archives are housed in a large cupboard and are
comprised mainly of hand-written orders.
The paper in some of the books is very delicate and
white cotton gloves must be worn to handle them.
Manitoba Rangers Photos
The Manitoba Rangers was raised just after the turn of the century,
with Regimental headquarters in Brandon.
This regiment was paired with the Sherwood Foresters of the British Army.
They recruited troops for the 8th and 45th Battalion in the first war.
In 1936 the regiment was retired and all ranks were taken on strength of
the 26 Field Brigade of the Royal Canadian Artillery.
The picture is of all the officers just before they went to the artillery.
Wide Photo Display
Years ago, 
photographers were able 
to take very wide pictures --
we have a good collection 
of this type of picture.
Library Wall
Our library is used extensively for research.
A few of the old sweats come and take out a book to read
to re-live the source of their wartime adventures
or maybe to see what other people were doing at some point in time.
The books can be taken from the library
for a period not to exceed one month.


Bugle Display
Bugle and trumpets 
were used in the forces for many years.

The calls were sounded to get you up in the morning,
tell you when to eat, and what to do all day.
The last call at night signalled "lights out."

Due to the fact that these are not used anymore,
we have made a tape recording of 
the various calls that were used
so that future generations will understand 
what they are all about.

Trophy Display

The trophies were given for 
sports events, shooting, and horsemanship.
Usually some person in authority would 
purchase a trophy and have it engraved, etc.
Ours date from 1890 
-- a trophy called Cannington Manor and
was for the steeplechase, for mounted units.
Cannington Manor was in Saskatchewan,
just north of Manor.

Silver Cigarette Box
Silver Cigarette BoxSilver Cigarette Box
Brass Cigarette Box
The silver cigarette boxes which could be filled with cigarettes and
set on the tables at the Officers' Mess
after a formal mess dinner or other special occasions.
The brass boxes were Christmas presents from Princess Margaret
to troops in the trenches.
They contained a small card, a small bar of chocolate,
10 cigarettes, matches, and a bar of soap. 

It must be noted that all firearms in the museum
have been sent to a weapons technician and
can not ever be made to fire.

Steerable Anti-Tank Rocket
The rocket here is steerable, anti-tank rocket.
In the event your target moved just as you fired at it,
it could be mad change course to follow your target.
Ammunition Display
The ammunition in our display cases 
has all been inspected by
ammunition technicians to ensure 
nothing could be dangerous to anyone.
Ammunition Display
Rifle Display
Our collection of rifles 
includes many interesting pieces such as an
Old Roling Block and a Ross Bolt Action,
as well as an anti-tank Mauser 13mm 
which is quite an oddity.
WWI Aircraft Machine Gun
At the end of WWI the allies tried to
denude Germany of all its heavy weapons.
Every village, town and city recieved a weapon of some type.
The museum has several of these weapons.
This aircraft machine gun was mounted
on a tripod which is missing.
It should be noted that a lot of these souvenirs were collected
up at the start of the second war and sent to rolling mills.
WWI Aircraft Machine GunWWII Bren Gun
The Bren gun was the backbone of the infantry during WWII.
It used the same ammunition as the rifle and was very accruate.
It could be fired in a single rounds or fully automatic capacity.
Although our troops did not have as many machine guns per unit as the Germans,
we still used ours to advantage.

Walthers P38-9mm
The Walthers P38-9mm hand gun,
as with others in the collection,
was brought home as a souvenir.
The P38 indicates that it is of 1938 design.
F.N. 38 Standard Calibre Revolver
This is a F.N. revolver, 
38 standard calibre
and is of about 1890 vintage.


Polish VIS-9mm
A Polish factory made this 
VIS-9mm handgun for the army.
When the Germans invaded they continued to
manufacture the hand gun with the Nazi insignia on it.
Note that this hand gun has a but trigger safety.
Smith and Wesson 38 Standard Revolver
This is a Smith & Wesson 38 Standard revolver,
the same as Canadian Army issue, and was used up to
1942 when the issue was changed to Browning 9mm.
Harrington and Richardson 32 Calibre Hammerless Revolver
This hammerless 32 calibre revolver
is a Harrington & Richardson.
It came west with a C.P.R. man in 1902
as he had heard stories about the wild west.
It was never used and 
due to calibre and length of barrel
it can not be registered.
Very Flare Pistol
The Very pistol or flare gun
was used during the First World War
to signal batteries in the rear at night and
occasionally during the day.
During the Second World War
its use was not necessary as
radios were used extensively.
MSa Mauser 7.65mm Auto LoaderZenna 5.25mm Auto Loader
The Zenna and Mauser are auto loader guns
and made nice souvenirs.
The Zenna is 5.25mm and the MSa Mauser is 7.65mm --
both odd calibres.
Very Flare Pistol
The Very pistol or flare gun
was used during the First World War
to signal batteries in the rear at night and
occasionally during the day.
During the Second World War
its use was not necessary as
radios were used extensively.

Swords and Sabres
The swords and sabres 
in our collection came mainly from the
Officers' Mess in Virden 
which was the headquarters for the
XII Manitoba Dragoons.
Included is an infantry officers' sabre from 1791.
Luftwaffe Dagger
This Luftwaffe dagger 
would have been presented by Hitler
to an outstanding air force officer.
It was found in an abandoned airport by 
Fred Constable who donated it to us.
German Dagger Display
The German dagger in this display would have been given by
Hitler to the general officer commanding the
concentration camp at Osterwaggen.
When trooper Brooks jumped out of his car to capture prisoners
there was no enemy there and
the officer had left his dagger and arm band.
The prisoners in the camp were in extremely poor condition.
Military Saddle
The military saddle 
has changed little in the last couple of hundred years.
Even today the ceremonial mounted troops have the
same saddle as the one shown in the picture.
This one has parts made in 1914.
Mounted Soldier ~ Tent Pegging
This is a picture from the front of a program showing a mounted soldier
picking up a tent peg with the point of his sabre at the full gallop.
This was part of the show, usually in Winnipeg,
put on by the military to show off their shields.
The regimental bands put on a real good show.
This type of show died out at the time of the Second World War
and is now trying to make a comeback.
Of course there will be no horses or tent pegging.
The late Wilf Falconer, who worked for the Brandon Sun for a short period after WWII, wrote a history of the batteries that were involved in the war. As most histories mention the artillery regiments but not the batteries, his book "Battery Flashes," took several years of his retirement to write. It also involved many trips to Ottawa and other areas for research. As he was writing he made a model of the Canadian Army using cap badges and shoulder flashes. When the book was completed he brought his model from his home in Victoria to Brandon and donated it to the museum. It is used regularly for research.
Falconer's Canadian Army Model Using Flashes and Badges The circular display is made up of 12 frames, each representing a different division; five divisions of the Second World War, two COTC, two corps troops, and the remainder ancillary and Korean War units. 

Each frame contains the had badge of every regiment in the division, the shoulder flash and of course the division patch -- a total of 474 items in the 12 frames. 

Each artillery regiment is represented by the flash that was worn on the epaulet of the battle dress blouse, and beside each flash is a red sticker with the battery numbers of that regiment on it.

British Army Cap Badges
The cap badges
in this display are 
all from the British Army -
each one with its own distinguished history.
Regiment Cap Badges
Cap badges of various regiments
are represented in this photo,
each one having its own history.
Collecting cap badges was a hobby that
a lot of military men liked to pursue.
We felt a need to show people what had to be
worn at different periods of time and
this seemed to be the best selection.
Hat Display ~ Back to 1800s
The collection of hats
in the museum cover
a period from 
the early 1800s
to present.
Corporal Curter Medals Display
Corporal Curter, a Brandon boy, worked at the
Mental Hospital before enlisting.
He was wounded in the face, arm and leg
but was able to walk to the rear
for bandaging and transport to a hospital.
An alert photographer took his picture
as a medical officer was assisting him.
This picture, which is in the Ottawa Archives,
is often used for newspaper articles, etc.


Robert Limb Medals Display
This picture and medals are from Robert Limb.
His ribbons indicate that he served in South Africa
and had received the
Queen's South African medal
and the King Edward South African medal --
although the medals did not come with his first war medals.
He served with the Fifth Canadian Railways Troop
during the war and he is buried in Saskatoon.
The picture shows a pair of spatts.
A gentleman who wore oxfords 
found it cold around the ankles and
he would put on his spats to go out.
Army officers usually wore oxfords.
The fad died out in the thirties 
-- maybe the winters just weren't as cold.
Brandon Army Camp Diorama
During the Second World War 
an army camp was established
in the the south end of Brandon.
As most young people don't realize this,
we undertook to build a diorama 
to show its location.
Two of our volunteers,
Mrs. Ainsley (Ranson) Sim 
and Mr. Les Fraser
both served there at one point in time.
Mortor Launched Parachute Flare
These illuminating rounds 
were fired at night to light up an area.
Mortars fired the rounds at close range and
most had parachutes
to have the light hang up in the air 
for a period of time.
This one is 155 mm.
Vimy Display
The Vimy display commemorates the first victory
by the allied armies in the First World War -
a battle won by Canadians.
The display shows the book that was published for the
dedication and opening of the memorial in 1937.
There is a piece of chalk from the tunnels as well as
a photo of the names of men with no known graves
carved in the stone.

The sten gun in the display was a Second World War invention.
It was of 9 mm calibre and was often called
a "plumber's dream" or a "plumber's nightmare."
This submachine gun was noted to have caused many accidents
due to its habit of not staying in the safety notch.


New Museum Tour
Intro | 1 | 2 | 2a | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 7a | 8 | 8a | 9 | 9a | 10 | 11


Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum: RCAFHMCS Prince Robert: Hillman WWII Scrapbook - RCNXII Dragoons - 26 RCA Museum

XII MB Dragoons Site Design: Bill Hillman
Hillman Eclectic Studio
All original contents Copyright © 2003/2011